
防止. 促进. 保护.

Welcome to the 公共卫生部

NDSU offers a range of 公共卫生 degree options in graduate, 双学位, 本科, 证书和速成课程. Classes are offered both on-campus and through distance learning technology. Find the degree option at NDSU that meets your needs.

公共卫生部 十周年 Information

We are committed to creating a student-focused environment and provide a wide variety of research opportunities to our students.


查看我们的 校友了 to see how our graduates are contributing.

Find the specialization that works for you

访问我们的 度 & 项目页面 今天选择你的道路.

Faculty and other leading experts share their expertise

在我们的 公共卫生讲座系列影片

全球研讨会- 2024

意大利: Mediterranean Secrets to a Long Life

Discover the secrets of why people live over 100 years in "Blue Zones" as you explore Sardinia, 意大利.

Prior to leaving for the global seminar, the class will meet four times. You will read texts and engage with other materials as it relates to what you will be seeing and learning while in 意大利. Classes will consist of participatory activities designed to engage you in learning about the nine factors that contribute to longevity, specifically as the factors relate to Sardinia, 意大利.


阿克沙雅·巴伽瓦图拉的照片 wearing blue suit and tie

Akshaya Bhagavathula, PhD, NDSU associate professor of epidemiology in the Department of 公共卫生, has expertise in epidemiology, digital epidemiology, infodemiology, big data analytics,…

Photo of group of people who comprise the ND年度最佳公共卫生团队

Dr. Ramona Danielson, faculty member in the NDSU Department of 公共卫生, along with public health student Tahni Parisien and 南大公共卫生 alum Jacob Davis are part of the team named as…

博士照片. 安德里亚Huseth-Zosel

Dr. 安德里亚Huseth-Zosel in the NDSU Department of 公共卫生 and a research team from the American Indian 公共卫生 资源中心 have been awarded a two-year $400,000 research grant from…


Healthcare professionals are in demand and NDSU’s 2022 Career Outcomes Report shows it.

Out of graduates responding to the survey, highlights include:

  • 91% fulltime employment - 公共卫生…

Author and adventurer Dineo多德 is the featured speaker for 南大公共卫生 Week with a presentation titled Nature is a medicine


The featured speaker during 公共卫生 Week activities at NDSU from April 3 to 6 focuses on prioritizing women’s health through outdoor activities. Author Dineo多德’s talk titled “Nature as a…

Photo of 南大公共卫生 10th anniversary graphic

的NDSU 公共卫生硕士 program received accreditation from the Council on Education for 公共卫生 (CEPH) in December 2022 for another seven years, 延长项目的认证…

Photo of NDSU 健康的职业 students who received scholarships

新大师范学院七名学生 健康的职业 have received $2,500 scholarships from the Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota Caring Foundation.




Dr. 保罗•卡森, medical director for the NDSU Center for Immunization 研究 and Education (CIRE), received the 2022 Physician Community and Professional Services Award during the North Dakota…

photo of NDSU 健康的职业 Scholarship Ceremony

慷慨的捐赠者捐赠了565美元,864 to fund scholarships for students in the NDSU College of 健康的职业 for 2022-23.

学生 in pharmacy, nursing, allied sciences, health services and…
