Field of Study
Career Outlook
Average Salary
Projected Regional Growth
  • Construction Manager
  • Structural Engineer
  • Civil Engineer
  • Transportation Engineer
  • Drafter
  • 城市及区域规划师
  • Consultant
  • Environmental Engineer

For individuals who

Are interested in designing a better place to live and improving quality of life through the design of sustainable solutions to societal challenges.

Looking for

教你如何设计交通项目的课程. 灵活的课程设置,有能力专攻岩土工程等领域, structural, transportation, 水资源与环境工程.

To become

  • Structural Engineer
  • Geotechnical Engineer
  • Environmental Engineer
  • Design Engineer
  • Water Resource Engineer

你想让这个世界变得更美好吗, 提高我们所有人的生活质量? 你可以通过选择土木工程的职业来做到这一点. 我们为当今和未来的社会挑战设计可持续的解决方案.


土木工程师是具有广泛技术知识的专业人员, 有很强的解决问题的能力,喜欢与人合作. 我们的工作直接关系到公众的福祉和安全, 并对决策和计划过程产生重大影响. 我们为社会基础设施和我们生活的环境设计解决方案. 土木工程项目可能包括设计建筑物等结构, bridges and sports stadiums; transportation infrastructure such as highways, railroads, pipelines, waterways, ports and airports; water infrastructure like pipes, dams and drainage; safe drinking water supply and waste systems; and averting damage from earthquakes, landslides and floods. 这个行业接受纳米技术等新技术, smart materials, sensors, robotics, etc. 将其引入到土木工程项目中,以提高可靠性, 成本效益和生活质量.

NDSU civil engineering graduates apply their skills in all fields of the profession domestically and abroad. 具有强大和平衡的技术和通识教育课程, 他们以极具竞争力的薪水受到全国各地公司的追捧. The Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,,根据一般标准和土木及类似名称的工程项目标准. In addition, 新的4+1土木工程加速硕士学位将于2021年秋季开课, which provides a path for excellent undergraduate students to complete a BS degree in the department and a Master's degree in Civil Engineering in 5 years.


以下课程的教育目标与本校一致, 学院及院系的任务. 我们土木工程学士课程的毕业生预计在毕业后的几年内:

  1. 成功地参与工程实践,解决当前和新出现的问题.
  2. 以合乎道德的方式进行设计, 包括不同的观点, and realizes the broader societal and sustainability implications of the design and decision-making process.
  3. 通过主动性和负责任的管理,提升到工作场所的领导角色
  4. 通过协作工作促进他们的专业和社区, professional licensure, advanced degrees, lifelong learning, and engaged service.



  1. An ability to identify, formulate, 运用工程原理解决复杂的工程问题, science, and mathematics
  2. An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
  3. 与广泛的受众进行有效沟通的能力
  4. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, 哪一个必须考虑工程解决方案在全球的影响, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
  5. 在团队中有效发挥作用的能力,团队成员共同发挥领导作用, 创造一个协作和包容的环境, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
  6. 发展和进行适当实验的能力, 分析和解释数据, 并运用工程判断得出结论
  7. 在需要时运用适当的学习策略获取和乐虎集团新知识的能力.


新大土木工程专业的一年级学生从英语基础课程开始学习, chemistry, 数学和工程科学入门. 第二年的课程更加具体,重点是测量, math, 物理和工程科学课程. 三年级学生预习土木工程专业领域. 这些是(1)环境工程, (2) geotechnical, (3) structural, (4) transportation, and (5) water resources . The senior year continues to require certain courses but also provides for 12 hours of technical electives and a senior design project. The technical electives allow the student to take additional courses in those areas of civil engineering in which she/he/they intends to practice professionally. Currently, 有51门核心土木工程和技术选修课程供学生选择.


The BSCE + MSCE (4+1) program provides the opportunities for current students in the Civil Engineering program to complete a Master's degree of Civil Engineering (MSCE) in 5 years (one additional year beyond the BS degree). 加速硕士课程要求至少总共30个学期学分. Up to 9 credits (three courses) from the Civil Engineering BS program can be double counted to the MSCE program. 然而,这些课程必须在600或700年级学习. In that sense, 有兴趣的学生可以通过减少三门课程来加速硕士的学习, so they could complete the remaining 21 credits plus the completion of the Master's thesis and graduate in one year, while the total and design credit requirements for the technical elective courses stay the same for the Civil Engineering BS degree.

需要单独申请4+1课程. Applicants can apply for their admissions in the junior year (having accumulated more than 75 credits) with an average cumulative GPA above 3.5. The review procedure for applications will follow the existing policy of Master's degree graduate student admissions.

Application procedure:

  • 有兴趣和符合条件的学生必须提交一份 联合/加速课程学位课程声明 把表格交到系办公室.
  • Next, the student’s academic advisor will evaluate the substitution of the graduate level courses into the undergraduate program, 然后由系主任进行最后的审查和批准. 本科学位最多可申请9个研究生学分*.
  • 在收到上述必要的批准后, the student will submit this form to the Graduate College and formally apply for admission to the graduate program.
  • 所有研究生院的录取都是有条件的. 最低条件是在完成硕士课程之前完成学士学位, and maintaining a 3.他们在研究生班的累积绩点是0.
  • 本科课程不得计入硕士学位.
  • Students entering the Master's degree program with a Bachelor’s degree in hand may not use courses earned as part of the Bachelor program for the Master's degree requirements, 即使那些课程是研究生水平的课程.
  • Students must meet all of the requirements that would ordinarily be expected of those enrolled in the MSCE program.

* Graduate tuition will be assessed for graduate credits approved for double-counting toward requirements for both undergraduate and graduate programs of study. 重复计算的研究生学分将计入经济援助总额, 但不包括在学费上限之内. 然而,强制性学生费用上限为12个学分,无论课程如何.

**注:600/700级的课程需要一份替代表才能正式申请学士学位. 这是在他们注册课程后提交的。.

Students in the Civil Engineering program also have an option to obtain a Master's degree through the 4+1 accelerated BSCE + MCM program, 哪一门课程需要至少30个学分外加一门专业考试. Up to 9 credits (three courses) from the Civil Engineering BS program can be double counted to the Master of Construction Management (MCM) program. These courses must be taken in the 600 or 700 level and students can complete the accelerated program in five years. The total number of credits and design credits (from technical elective courses) required for the Civil Engineering BS degree remain the same.


该系拥有高素质、敬业的教职员工. 他们是国内和国际公认的专家, 为毕业生提供成功的职业生涯所需的知识和经验. 该系所有教员均具有博士学位. 他们中的许多人都获得了专业工程师(PE)或注册专业承包商(CPC)的许可。. In addition, 该系有许多曾在该行业工作或目前在该行业工作的兼职教员.


本系拥有完善的实验室设施,适合各类民用本科教育, environmental, and construction areas, 包括土木工程材料教学实验室, 施工管理与工程, 环境工程, geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, 交通运输工程, 水利工程, . 学生还可以使用计算机集群和许多最先进的研究实验室.


学生参加各种专业的学生组织在部门, 这有助于他们培养领导技能和团队合作能力. 主要学生组织包括:美国印第安人科学与工程学会(AISES), 美国铁路工程与道路养护协会, 美国土木工程师学会(ASCE), 美国水务协会(AWWA), 美国总承包商协会(AGC), 无国界工程师组织(EWB), 新大大挑战学者, Habitat for Humanity, 运输工程师学会(ITE), 材料研究学会, 全国住宅建筑商协会(NAHB), 全国黑人工程师学会, Sigma Lambda Chi (ΣΛΧ), 女工程师学会(SWE), 和水环境联合会(WEF), as well as Steel Bridge, Concrete Canoe, 联合建筑学院, 住宅建筑管理, GeoWall, 和智力竞赛碗比赛队伍. 学生组织获得了多项国家级和区域性奖项.


High school students who wish to prepare for some phase of engineering at the college level should attempt to complete the following high school credits: one unit of physics, 四个数学单位, and one unit of chemistry. Incoming freshmen prepared to enroll in calculus frequently complete their civil engineering degree in four years. Transfer students who have studied two years of pre-engineering at another institution typically complete the civil engineering degree in two additional years.


该系每年颁发大量奖学金,金额从500美元到1万美元不等. 学生们应该向院系查询更多信息. 其他形式的经济援助可以通过财政援助和奖学金办公室获得.


NDSU的土木工程师被普遍认为是动手能力强的, can-do, project-ready graduates, 谁在找到好工作方面非常成功. 我们的学生在实习和合作项目中很受欢迎, 大多数学生都有过多次工作经历. 大多数人在毕业前就选择了工作,有些人在毕业后的几周内就选择了工作. 工作因活动类型和地点而异. 土木工程师可以在办公室和/或在现场工作 . 他们可以主要与一些复杂的设计或管理人员或销售人员一起工作.

新大土木工程专业毕业生的就业情况表明,他们的工作经验丰富. About 40 percent of the graduates have gone to work for consulting engineering firms and another 40 percent with city, 州政府和联邦政府. 其余的人受雇于工业, 承包商和军人,或者在NDSU或其他大学读过研究生. 大多数毕业生从事不止一种类型的土木工程活动. 有些学生接受不涉及具体土木工程活动的工作, 但在其他活动中使用他们的工程背景. 最近几个学期,毕业生的就业率为98- 100%. 最近土木工程专业毕业生接受的起薪在53美元之间,000 and $75,平均工资约60美元,000-65,000).

Graduate programs leading to Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees are available in specialized fields. 有关更完整的详细信息,请参见 Graduate Bulletin online.