Career Outlook
Average Salary
Projected Regional Growth
  • Conservation Biologist
  • Entomologist
  • Environmentalist
  • Geneticist 
  • Pre-Dental
  • Pre-Medicine
  • Pre-Physical Therapy
  • Pre-Veterinary Medicine
  • Wildlife Biologist
  • Zoologist

For individuals who

对了解生命世界及其有机体感兴趣. 想要一个灵活的科学学位,可以满足他们的个人和职业目标. 

Looking for

一个灵活的学位,可以在毕业后用于多种途径. Research opportunities. 

To become

  • Geneticist 
  • Pre-Dental
  • Pre-Medicine
  • Pre-Veterinary Medicine
  • Zoologist

CAREER Opportunities

学生毕业后有良好的基础,可以追求有价值的职业或获得研究生和专业课程的录取. 我们的毕业生从事许多不同的职业,包括医生, optometrists, dentists, physician assistants, chiropractors, genetic counselors, veterinarians, state and federal wildlife biologists, naturalists, wildlife rehabilitators, directors of zoological parks, conservation biologists, environmental consultants, teachers, and researchers. 学生们离开时已经做好了充分的准备,可以继续攻读研究生学位课程,这些课程需要扎实的生物科学背景. 大多数专业科学家都认为研究生教育是职业发展的必要条件.

High School Preparation

高中学生被鼓励参加一年的生物课程, chemistry, physics, algebra, geometry and trigonometry and, if available, an advanced science course and pre-calculus.

The Program

The program integrates studies in zoology, botany, 以及生物科学,并为学生提供灵活的定制他们的研究领域,使课程选择与教育和职业目标保持一致. 该计划将基础广泛的生物学基础课程与专业课程相结合, such as biomedical science or conservation biology, in later years. With appropriate course selection, 生物科学学位提供了对生物和非生物世界之间复杂关系的广泛理解. 学生选择以研究为基础的生物学课程,重点是抗生素, wild-life ecology and conservation, STEM education, genomics, or biomedical research. 学生可以选择生物医学科学的重点, Ecology and Conservation, or Environmental Sciences. 计划进入健康专业课程的学生, such as medical school, 应该参考生物医学重点的学习计划吗. 动物学和植物学为辅修课程,非生物学专业为生物科学辅修课程.


  1. 在生物学,物理科学和数学之间建立联系.
  2. 识别科学问题并运用科学方法, including experimental design, data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
  3. 理解科学推理的哲学基础.
  4. 展示使用生物学信息源的能力, including published literature and scientific databases, and to evaluate the quality of information sources.
  5. 具备获取和分析实验数据的能力,并能运用定量分析来解释生物学数据.
  6. 展示开发数值和图形模型以及模拟生物机制的能力.
  7. 能够运用必要的科学技术进行数据收集和分析.
  8. 能够在不同的环境中进行有效的写作、演讲和视觉交流.
  9. Understands the role of teamwork and individual effort in scientific endeavors; discusses issues constructively and appreciates different ideas and viewpoints.
  10. 理解科学及其乐虎集团的专业标准, including the responsible use of information.

Related Experiences

通过工作经验和课外活动,包括学生组织的参与,增加了职业和专业项目的机会, internships, volunteering, work and research experiences. Part-time, 与科学相关的工作和研究经验可以在乐虎电子的几个部门获得, as well as at the nearby U.S. Department of Agriculture laboratories. Off-campus work, 比如暑假在公共机构或私人组织工作, 特别有价值,有时是毕业后第一个固定职位的切入点. NDSU offers many extra-curricular activities, 包括适合不同个人和专业兴趣的学生组织.

Accelerated Program

生物科学系提供加速学士和硕士学位课程. 该项目允许学生在大三开始论文研究,同时攻读生物科学学士学位和硕士学位. 学生将与我们系的一位教员密切合作,这位教员将作为学生的导师. 该项目旨在培养以研究为基础的硕士学位. 学生必须是大三学生,累积GPA不低于3分.5.