University 杰出的 Professors

成为大学杰出教授(UDP)是可以授予乐虎电子教职员工的最高荣誉. A University 杰出的 Professor is expected to have demonstrated, and is expected to continue to model, the high ideals of a student-focused, 赠地, research 大学.

An 杰出的 学术记录包括持续,高质量和适当平衡的贡献 这三个领域 of research/creative activity, 教学和服务是入选大学杰出教授的重要标准. 除了, 大学杰出教授应该表现出最高标准的良好品格, academic integrity and 大学 leadership, and to demonstrate a significant impact beyond their own individual program.

Stipulations and process:
  1. 被提名者必须是在新大任职10年以上的全职教授.
  2. “University 杰出的 Professor” is a permanent title with loss only by cause. Upon retirement, the title will become University 杰出的 Professor Emerita/Emeritus.
  3. A salary supplement of $20,只要该大学杰出教授仍然是受益终身教职人员,每年将提供10,000英镑的奖金. 除了, each UDP will receive an annual operating budget of $5,根据大学既定的指导方针和政策使用,不得结转至下一年度. The UDP salary supplement and operating budget will begin at the start of the fiscal year.
  4. Candidates must be nominated by their academic dean, who will forward the nomination to the provost no later than January 15 of any given year. 提交给教务长的提名材料必须包括院长的提名信(最多两页),总结并说明候选人符合UDP标准的资格, and a copy of the candidate’s current curriculum vitae. Each dean may nominate up to two (2) candidates per year; nominations are considered active only for the year in which they are made. If not previously selected, candidates may be nominated more than once. Deans may receive input from others, but actual nominations are to remain completely confidential between the nominating dean, provost and president. Violation of that confidentiality by the nominator, including to the candidate, will nullify the nomination. The provost will review and assure that nominations meet all UDP criteria before moving them on for consideration; those not meeting all criteria will be returned to the nominating dean.
  5. 提名者由教务长召集并担任主席的委员会评估和推荐,该委员会由大学杰出教授组成. 到3月1日, 教务长将委员会对潜在的新民主党的建议提交给总统,由总统做出最后的选择. Each year the president, in advance of candidate consideration, will inform the committee how many potential UDPs may be recommended.
  6. If a new University 杰出的 Professor is selected, it will be announced at the fall State of the University address.

学习成绩: Each nomination will be evaluated on the candidate’s academic record, which must be 杰出的, with a sustained record of contribution/achievement in research/creative activity, instruction and service; a record which does not demonstrate 杰出的 performance appropriately balanced in 这三个领域 and a significant impact beyond their own individual program will not be eligible for further consideration.

    • Research/Creative Activity: Demonstrated 国家和, when applicable to their field, international impact on knowledge of discipline as demonstrated by academic record, including publications, 奖助金, creative activities, invited lectures/performances, awards and other organized activities
    • 指导:通过奖励来证明对本科/研究生学习的影响, pedagogical publications or presentations and sustained efforts in teaching, advising and curriculum development
    • Service: Demonstrated impact at the department, 大学, 大学, 国家和, when applicable to their field, international levels, including such things as sustained mentorship, contributions to campus-wide efforts, and leadership in 国家和 international professional organizations

声誉: Significance of 国家和, when applicable to their field, international stature

附加: Each candidate must demonstrate the highest standards of good character, academic integrity and 大学 leadership.



伊莱亚斯米. 伊莱亚斯
杰出的 Professor of Plant Sciences

伊莱亚斯 leads the NDSU durum wheat breeding and genetics program as the J.F. Carter Durum Wheat Breeding/Genetics Endowed Professor. The program develops varieties to maximize economic return for producers, while providing quality durum wheat for the pasta industry and export market. 伊莱亚斯的研究在国际上享有盛誉,他被美国《乐虎电子》杂志评为1999年杜伦年度人物.S. Durum Growers Association. He also received NDSU’s Larson/Yaggie Excellence in Research Award, Early Career in 2000 and the Waldron Award for Excellence in Research. 伊莱亚斯, who joined NDSU in 1990, 他在叙利亚阿勒颇大学获得农业学士学位,在蒙大拿州立大学获得植物病理学硕士学位. He earned his doctorate in agronomy from NDSU.


Professor of Music

Miller joined NDSU’s faculty in 1989 as director of choral activities. She conducts the Concert Choir and University Chorus, and teaches undergraduate and graduate conducting and literature courses. 她还是新大音乐硕士和音乐艺术博士项目的研究生协调员. Prior to coming to NDSU, 米勒曾在威斯康辛大学拉克罗斯分校的音乐系任教,在那里她创立了拉克罗斯室内合唱团. She earned her bachelor’s degree from NDSU, 北达科他大学硕士学位,辛辛那提大学博士学位, College Conservatory of Music.

杰出的 Professor of Animal Sciences

Reynolds joined NDSU in 1985. 他的研究主要集中在提高生育能力(怀孕和维持妊娠的能力)和妊娠结局(怀孕能力).e., birth weights and postnatal health) in livestock. He has lectured widely throughout the world, including 15 Visiting Lectureships, and taught 20 different undergraduate and graduate courses. Reynolds has received 36 federal 奖助金, served on more than 50 federal grant review panels, and published more than 200 book chapters and journal articles, including 26 invited reviews. 他的专业奖项包括美国动物科学学会(ASAS)动物生理学和内分泌学奖, the ASAS Growth and Development Award, and the 51st NDSU Faculty Lectureship. 他在亚利桑那州立大学获得学士和硕士学位,在爱荷华州立大学获得博士学位.


杰出的 Professor of Geosciences

阿什沃斯于1972年加入NDSU,从事古生物学和地层学的教学和研究. He has made four research trips to Antarctica, 最近,新西兰地理委员会通知他,这片冰冷大陆上的一座冰川以他的名字命名. Ashworth chairs the U.S. National Committee for the International Union for Quaternary Research. He earned his bachelor’s degree and doctorate from the University of Birmingham, England. His many honors include being named a James A. Meier Senior Professor, Mortar Board Preferred Professor, NDSU Faculty Lectureship and Chamber of Commerce 杰出的 Professor. 

杰出的 Professor of Plant Pathology

Gudmestad joined NDSU as a tenure-track assistant professor in 1985. He has served the pathology section of the Potato Association of America as chair, vice-chair and director. 他也是《乐虎电子》的编辑委员会成员和《乐虎电子》的副主编. His many honors include the Research Scientist of the Year-Early Career from the N.D. Agricultural Experiment Station, the Red River Valley Potato Growers Association Meritorious Service Award, the National Potato Council Researcher of the Year, 尤金R号. Dahl Excellence in Research Award, and the Fred Waldron Excellence in Research Award. 他在Valley City State University获得学士学位,在NDSU获得硕士学位和博士学位.

杰出的 Professor of History and Religion

A specialist in the history of the Great Plains, Isern is the author or co-author of six books in the field, including “Dakota Circle: Excursions on the True Plains.” He is well known across North Dakota for his weekly feature on Prairie Public Radio, “平原民间,” devoted to the folklife of our region. He is the founding director of NDSU’s Center for Heritage Renewal. 他在伯大尼学院获得学士学位,在俄克拉荷马州立大学获得硕士学位和博士学位. Isern joined NDSU in 1992, and his previous honors include the Outstanding Educator Award of the College of Arts, 人文学科, and Social Sciences; the Peltier Award for Innovative Teaching; and the Fargo Chamber of Commerce 杰出的 Professorship.

Kalpana Katti
杰出的 Professor of Civil Engineering

Katti, who joined NDSU in 1997, 开发了最先进的材料和组织工程实验室,以支持NDSU的纳米技术和组织工程研究. 她还带头在新大开发了一个跨学科的材料和纳米技术博士项目. She earned her bachelor’s degree from the University of New Delhi, 印度, her master’s degree from the 印度n Institute of Technology, 坎普尔, 印度, and her doctorate from the University of Washington, 西雅图. Her other honors include the Peltier Award for Innovations in Teaching, College of Engineering Researcher of the Year, 美国国家科学基金会职业成就奖和美国涂料学会联合会技术奖.

杰出的 Professor of Computer Science

Perrizo joined NDSU in 1973. His vita lists 45 journal papers, 146 refereed conference and symposium proceedings papers and four books and book chapters. He holds two patents. Perizzo是2002年计算机协会(ACM)知识发现和数据挖掘杯(KDD)获奖团队的任务二和2006年ACM KDD杯获奖团队的任务三的团队负责人. 他还获得了2007年国际计算机学会及其乐虎集团会议“计算机及其乐虎集团”最佳论文奖. Perrizo earned his bachelor’s degree from St. John’s University, Minn., 他在威斯康星大学获得硕士学位,在明尼苏达大学获得博士学位. 

Mukund Sibi
杰出的 Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Sibi, a recognized leader in the area of synthetic organic chemistry, came to NDSU in 1987. Sibi's vita lists 153 publications, eight patents and four book reviews. He was the invited speaker or gave the plenary lecture at 57 special symposiums, and he has given 157 invited seminar presentations. His many honors include the Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award for 2008, the James M. Meier Professorship, Dale Hogoboom Endowed Professor, Jordon A. Engberg Professorship and Waldron Award for Excellence in Research. He earned his bachelor's and master's degrees from Bangalore University, 印度, and his doctorate from the City University of New York. 

杰出的 Professor of Agribusiness and Applied Economics

威尔逊, who was recognized as one of the top 10 agricultural economists by AgWeek, earned his bachelor’s degree from NDSU and his doctorate from the University of Manitoba. He joined NDSU in 1980, and has served as a board member for WCCO Belting, the Institute of Barley and Malt Sciences and the Minneapolis Grain Exchange. His vita lists 71 奖助金, 80 journal articles, 一本书, 13 book chapters and 198 miscellaneous publications. He has given numerous presentations, including 109 international, 82 国家和 35 regional professional associations. 威尔逊’s other honors include the 2006 and 1998 Eugene R. Dahl Excellence in Research Award and Henry Schapper Fellowship.
